Steering briefs and DJs CAB/ ADMIN meetings
Documents from 13 June 2000 to 10 December 2001Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Steering briefs for Neil Kinnock for Commission meetings from Jun 2000 to Dec 2001, also including statement by Kinnock on Deputy Director General appointments, speaking note on the recasting of financial regulation, defensive point on the Davignon Report on the Mission of the Joint Research Centre, statements on the Peer Group assessment of Commission activities for the Commission meeting and for a press conference 26/7/2000, note on Wine and Spirits Agreement with South Africa, and steering briefs for Romano Prodi for 19/7/2000 and 28/6/2000 Commission meetings. Conclusions of and agendas for DG ADMIN/Cabinet Reform meetings from Aug-Oct 2000, also including draft consultative document on allowances and reimbursement of expenses (Annex 7 to Staff Regulations) and background information on reform proposal Annex 7, and briefing notes on senior staff vacancies, the awarding of an A2 grade to the interim head of AUDIT.A and resignations and retirements, including under Article 50 (retirement in the interests of the service) (CONFIDENTIAL - removed until further notice)
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English, French