Documents from 02 September 1988 to 31 October 1988Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Copies of Sutherland’s outgoing letters concerning alleged Italian state aids to a new oriented polypropylene film investment in the Mezzogiorno area, state of play in relation to accompanying social measures to assist workers in the shipbuilding industry, the beef sector, aid to tourism and agritourism, imports of cars to Belgium, "TV without frontiers". Draft letter to the Minister of Industry concerning investment jobs [Spain]. Commission regulation no. 1984/83 of 22 June 1983 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to categories of exclusive purchasing agreements. Memo for Delors’ visit to Greece and Ireland. Cabinet note on regional preferences in public procurement. Cases before DGIV: Flat Glass, Charles Jourdan, aide en faveur de Fabelta/Beaulieu, Eurotunnel, Thomassen/Elliott, Parket Pen Plc/VIHO Europe, Servicemaster. Copyright transfer agreement for article " The COMETT Programme - Working for Cooperation". Letter from Mayor of Reinosa, Spain concerning investment in jobs.
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English, French, German, Italian