Documents from 18 December 1985 to 28 February 1986Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Copies of Sutherland’s outgoing letters on idea and priorities, meetings of Chefs on relations with the EP, habilitation, Eureka and competition rules, intra-Community antidumping, GATT nouvelles négociations, Social Fund guidelines , EEC Beef exports to Canada, includes: notes on specific cases which went before DGIV: ANIC/FEDIT. Commission communication to the Council on initiatives for promoting investment. Notes on the economic case for European merger control and political concerns of the Member States in relations with a merger control at Community level. Cabinet note on credits on French exports of agricultural products to Egypt. Letter from Henning Christophersen, Commission Vice-President on the modernisation of staff management in the Commission, state aids and infringements chefs, EMS realignment. Note to Commissioner on Anglo-Irish Agreement: latest developments. Authorisation of investigations under Council regulations. Note from the office of the French Permanent Representative to the EC thanking Sutherland for the exceptional contribution to job creation in Nord-Pas-de Calais
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