Documents from 16 March 1988 to 16 April 1988Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Copies of Sutherland’s outgoing letters concerning: import licences/quota systems, import of second hand vehicles from Member Countries, protection of intellectual property rights at the international level, transport, GATT subsidies offer for Irish Distillers Group plc. Cabinet notes on public procurement – regional preferences, blank tape levy to protect songwriters and musicians. Commission discussion on EUREKA, Green paper on copyright. Cases before DGIV: Thomassen/Elliott, Hoechst AG – Astreinte, Arjomari v Eurocheque, Delta Chemie/DDD Limited, Subframe/Sikkens, Screenport/EBU , PPG Industries/Pilkington, Volvo v Veng, Bloemenveiling. Note on trade in electricity between France and the FRG. Copy of letter to Lord Cockfield, Vice-President, concerning anti-competition aspects of software copyright. Correspondence between Rowntree confectionaries and DGIV concerning Swiss take over bid. Copy of note for François Lamoureux, Cabinet du Président on the protection of intellectual property rights at the international level.
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English, French, German, Italian