Documents from 16 May 1986 to 30 June 1986Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Copies of Sutherland’s outgoing letters on: publication of the collection "EEC and ECSC competition rules applicable to State Aids", competition policy and industrial property, air transport – 169 infringement procedures, Includes: cabinet notes on liberalisation of capital movements, documents on Chernobyl: special Chefs/Services meeting to prepare a Commission discussion, Greek export aids, State Aids Italy, Irish Cement Case. Discussion paper on "Treatment of State Aid for environmental projects". Letter to Mr W. De Clercq, member of the Commission on a future aid strategy for the shipbuilding sector. Cases before DGIV: Kuipers v. BMW Denmark, infringement P94/83 – UK Gas Cookers, investigation of the alleged dumping of photocopiers in the Community. Letter concerning the decision of the Commission with regard to Polypropylène. Letter from Kohl to Delors proposing a conference of countries operating or constructing nuclear power stations i.e. non-nuclear countries are not invited; Letter to Lord O'Hagan, MEP on the background to the Commission's 1984 Decision on the UK's regional assistance programme. Discussion paper sent to Sutherland re. State aids for environmental protection purposes
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English, French, German, Italian