Groupe Europe et stratégie

Documents from [03/2002] to [09/2003]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine

Content and Structure


Correspondance interne au groupe (R. Malbois, J.-C. Koeune, R. Boden, D. Hammer, J.-J. Rey, O. Giscard d'Estaing, P. Jurgensen…) et documents du groupe
NB: 'L'Avenir de la construction européenne. Résolution du conseil central' [01-D252/CC] (19/11/2001)
'Convention on the Future of Europe. Note to Presidents of national sections' [02-D094/Nat] (04/04/2002)
Lettre de C. A. Gasòliba, membre du Parlement européen (13/06/2002)
'The Future of the European Project and the questions submitted to the Convention. Policy position of the ELEC' [02-D134/Nat] (30/05/2002) et [02-D172/Nat] (04/07/2002)
Message of the ELEC to the Convention [03-D096/Div] (12/05/2003)
Résolution of the ELEC on the work of the Convention [03-D132/Div] (11/06/2003)

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Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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