Création et démarrage du programme 'partenaires pour la transition' (PIT)

Documents from [1990] to [1992]

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HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg


Document Open Since
1 Jan 2022

Content and Structure


'Financial Reform in Economies in Transition' (note du 'Committee on Financial Markets', 29/11/1990).
Notes de KM sur la conception du programme et réactions des ambassadeurs des pays concernés, 02-14/01/1991.
Notes du groupe du Conseil sur les économies non-membres:
'List of Co-Operative Activités planned for 1990', 28/05/1990. 'Partners in Transition', 01/01/1991. 'Institutional Aspects of the Partners in Transition Programme: Draft Memorandum of Understanding with Partners in Transition Countries', 26/04/1991. 'Partners in Transition Programme' (rapport au Conseil, 27/05/1991). 'Conclusion of Memoranda of Understanding with the Governements fo Hungary, Poland and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic', 12/06/1991. 'Partners in Transition Programme Mid-Term Review Results', 04/05/1992.

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English, French, German

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