Britain and the Six, 1961-1963

Documents from 18 January 1961 to 17 May 1963

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Immediate Source of Acquisition


Content and Structure


Material concerning Britain's willingness to join the Common Market, the signing of the Franco-German Friendship Treaty and the establishment of the Reserve Fund, includes, draft letter to George Ball from Jean Monnet on his opposition to the President's trade proposals for a 50% reduction in tariffs on trade, as free trade not the aim of European unity, but an instrument of it. - Letter from Robert Schaetzel to Max Kohnstamm defending President Kennedy's trade programme. - Correspondence between Monnet and Kohnstamm regarding Germany's defence Minister, Franz Josef Strauss' machinations for development of FRG as nuclear power through NATO. Joint communique by John F. Kennedy and President Walter Hallstein, April 1962 regarding efforts to build Atlantic partnership founded on close cooperation between equals, with details of Hallstein's support for President's trade barriers. - Letter from François Duchêne, Action Committee for US of Europe to Max Kohnstamm relating his belief that Charles de Gaulle wants to stop British entry into the Common Market - based on nuclear policy. - Material on establishment of a Reserve Fund to ensure the monetary stability of the countries participating in IMF. - Memo of conversation between Edward Heath, Lord Perth, Jean Monnet and Max Kohnstamm on matters of concern regarding possible British entry into Common Market. - Article in regarding Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer's boycotting of British efforts to join the European Economic community. - Declaration sent by Monnet to the French Press Agency on grave situation in Brussels negotiations and suggestions for solution of problems. - Memo on breakdown of Brussels talks. - Letter from Kurt Birrenbach on legal problems in connection with the passage of the ratification of the Franco-German Treaty by the Bundestag. - Declaration by German officials who favoured the strengthening of Europe and its enlargement to include the UK on the signing of Franco-German friendship pact and their misgivings that it coincided with French refusal to admit Britain to the Common Market. - Details of efforts of Action Committee to sort out the situation after Franco-German pact regarding Britain's entry into Common Market.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, German

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

Location of Originals

The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA

Publication Notes



Notes and Remarks

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