US Officials on European Unification
Documents from [1958] to [1964]Identity Statement
n.5 files
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
President Eisenhower with the backing of John Foster Dulles gave priority to Euratom over any other schemes for uniting Europe. When in October 1956 an inter-Governmental conference of the Common Market and Euratom estabished a Committee of three "Wise Men" to define the broad technical basis of Euratom and to examine how it could best develop a nuclear energy programme and to stimulate further political interest in it, these experts, Etzel, Armand and Giordani's visit to the US advanced significantly the case for Euratom. The agreement between Eurtaom and US on a joint nuclear power programme was negotiated by Max Kohnstamm.
Conditions of Access and Use
Allied Materials
The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA
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