Messina to the Rome Treaties

Documents from [1955] to [1960]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

n.9 files

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


At the Messina Conference in June 1955, the ECSC Council of Ministers formally agreed to discuss preliminary plans for a multilateral organisation that would integrate European atomic energy development under the acronym of Euratom. An inter-governmental conference was established under the chairmanship of Paul-Henri Spaak which decided to establish a steering Committe which would meet regularly to inspire, direct, co-ordinate and follow the work of its Committees i.e. Common Market, investments and social problems Committee, orthodox power Committee, nuclear power Committee and transport and communications Committee. Monnet and US officials made a supreme effort to achieve priority for the Euratom Treaty over that for the Common Market, yet pressed at the same time for their simultaneous ratification, once the Treaties of Rome were signed by the Six, Monnet stopped disciminating between them and concentrated on getting them ratified.

Allied Materials

Location of Originals

The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA


Notes and Remarks


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