Euratom and the US-Euratom Agreement, 1957
Documents from 14 January 1957 to 23 December 1957Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File pertaining to American official reaction to Euratom, includes, notes on benefits to US in establishing special relationship with Euratom. - Letter from Jean Monnet to the members of the Action Committee on his conviction that unity in Europe was indispensable for stability and peace. - Notes on discussions between Monnet, Max Kohnstamm and Euratom "Wise Men", Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani, before departure for US with details of their meetings with US officials. - Aide-Memoire from Wise Men to the Secretary of State and Lewis Strauss, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission on the report commissioned by the Six on the amount of atomic energy which can be produced in the Six countries in future years and the actions to be taken to that end feel. - Remarks by Paul Foster, Harold S. Vance and Lewis Strauss of the US-Atomic Energy Commission regarding benefits of project and need for capital loans for development of nuclear power installations in Europe. Press release on assurances from US, Canada and Britain to sell uranium to Euratom. - Letters from Monnet to Six on need for speedy ratification of Euratom Treaty. - Memo on Action Committee for US of Europe and part it played in the "relance Européenne". Correspondence between Kohnstamm and Robert Schaetzel on progress toward Euratom-US agreement, Schaetzel suggests Monnet and Armand visit President and present Euratom as political move.
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English, French
Allied Materials
The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA
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