54. AFC meeting : Neuilly from 21/10 to 23/10/1968
Documents from 07 October 1968 to 05 February 1969Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft summary minutes and, as addenda, amendments requested by UK delegation and by the Chairman of the ad-hoc Finance Group.
Relevant subjects :Personnel matters (1969 ESRO structure and staff complements, remuneration of hours worked outside or in addition to normal working hours, amendments to chapter n.8 of the Staff Regulations and Rules, ESRO social security scheme)
Contracts (rider to a contract for HEOS-A satellite, technical assistance for the launching of HEOS-A-1 satellite, rider to a contract for the supply and installation of telemetry and command antennas for ESTRACK, rider to a contract for maintenance and operation of environmental test facilities, rider to a contract for the construction of ESRIN, extension of the contract for the operation of the Fairbanks telemetry station, supply of n.10 SKYLARK rockets and SKYLARK components such as attitude control units)
Reports (additional expenditure for ESRO-2 satellite, geographical distribution of contracts)
Financial matters (final accounts for the supplementary budget concerning the ESTEC/ESLAB fire, 1967 accounts, 1967 provident fund interest, expert's report on price level variations in 1967, 3. revision of 1968 budget, 3. call-up of contributions, transfer proposals, accounts of exchange losses resulting from the devaluation in 1967, draft 1969 budget, proposal concerninhg the reduction of Swedish contribution, Spanish contribution in 1969 and following years, statistical basis for the calculation of the scale of contribution for the period 1970/1972, draft revision of the Financial Rules, call-up of contribution in other than domestic currencies and the Treasury account system, revision of provident fund rules)
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English, French