American expertises on SPACELAB
Documents from 23 June 1976 to 16 October 1983Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Information note of the Canadian Embassy in Washington on the joining with NASA in the development of the space shuttle system
Minutes of meeting of NASA and ESA on draft agreements and actions
Text of oral version by Mr. Mellors on ESA and the SPACELAB programme
Address by US Senator Moss to the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU) in Paris on 02/12/1975
Note on application paylaods presented at the 21. annual meeting on Space Shuttle Missions of the 1980s minutes of the ESA/ERNO Board at Bremen on 08/12/1976 4. report of Mr. Tischler to ESA on SPACELAB programme
Congressional testimony by Mr. Yardley on SPACELAB on 16/09/1976
Proposal for reorganisation presented by Mr. Culberston at SPPSG meeting on 23/09/1976
Report and notes on missions to USA on 11/1977 and on 07/1978 respectively
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French