Legal aspects of follow-on production (FOP)
Documents from 30 July 1975 to 26 December 1979Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Memoranda on additional clause to clause nn.36/42 on the manufacturing and selling for SPACELAB, contract conditions and intellectual property rights
Report to the Director General
MOU ESA/NASA on the supply of SPACELAB
Minutes of the 1. meeting of the Joint SPACELAB FOP Working Group at Neuilly from 21/01 to 22/01/1976, with comments on the report
Notes on responsibility and 3. party liabilities
Revised version of clause n.43 for the SPACELAB contract
Study on on federal procurement by Mrs. Watkins
Draft letter from NASA on SPACELAB FOP procurement
Resolution on ESA role in the production of SPACELAB
Notes on a mission to NASA and MFSC from 16/01 to 19/01/1979
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French
Allied Materials