
Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Mathevon, Valerie

Content and Structure


​​​​​​​​​​​​The European Commission consults the CoR at the earliest stage in the European legislative process on policy areas that directly affect the local and regional authorities.

Committee issues different kinds of opinions:
Initially there were five areas of obligatory consultation (economic and social cohesion; trans-European networks in the field of transport, energy and telecommunications; public health; education and youth; culture), but the Amsterdam Treaty added a further five (employment, social policy, environment, vocational training, transport).
Optional Consultation: Council, Commission and, since Amsterdam, the European Parliament have the right to consult the CoR on any matter they deem fit.

Following the right of initiative recognised by the EC Treaty at the same time as the establishment of the CoR, the Committee may also proactively issue an opinion on its own initiative on particular cases in all areas of Community competence in which its considers it is appropriate.

A democratic journey in three stages: discussion, drafting and voting:
-The CoR president allocates a dossier to the relevant internal commission
-A CoR member is appointed as rapporteur. The rapporteur drafts an opinion and presents it for discussion, amendment and adoption by the members of the relevant commission
-The draft opinion is presented and discussed at the next plenary session
-Once adopted in plenary by CoR members, the opinion is sent to all EU institutions.

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