ICC - Origins (2)
Documents from [1990] to [1996]Identity Statement
1 file
Becherucci, Andrea; Carr, Mary; Rapini, Elisa
Content and Structure
Material concerning international tribunals and the notion of "state prosecutions" from John Jones (ICTR), 3/10/96
Draft statute of the International Criminal Tribunal, 31/07/1990
Rapport de la Commission du droit international sur les travaux de sa quarante-cinquième session (1993)
Comments of Governments on the report of the working group on a draft statute for international criminal court
Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 46th session: General Assembly, 1994
Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 46th session: Costa Rica, Japan, Romania, UK and USA draft resolution, November 1994
EP Common Motion for a Resolution on the Need to Establish a Permanent International Tribunal to try and punish war crimes and crimes against humanity and the working of the ad hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, 12/07/1995
Memo di Cassese on the definition of crimes and general principles of criminal law as reflected in the International Tribunal’s jurisprudence, March 1996
12th report on the draft code of crimes against the Peace and security of Mankind by Doudou Thiam, at 46th session of the International Law Commission
Comments on governments on the report of the Working Group on a draft statute for an ICC, May 1994
Speaking notes by Cassese on elements of discussion on establishment of an ICC, Nov 1996
Memorandum from ICTY providing Adrian Bos, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee and the Committee on the Establishment of the ICC of the Tribunal's insights into the preparation of the Statute : Definition of Crimes and General Principles of Criminal Law as Reflected in the International Tribunal's Jurisprudence
Request from Adrian Bos to Cassese re. request for an advisory opinion on the independence of the ICC
Observations des gouvernements sur le rapport du groupe de travail sur un pojet de statut pur une cour criminelle internationale
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French