ICC - Printed Material
Documents from [1994] to [2000]Identity Statement
1 file
Becherucci, Andrea; Carr, Mary; Rapini, Elisa
Content and Structure
Press cuttings, publications and other literature: "The Rome Statute on the ICC: from 1947-2000 and beyond" by Sharon A. Williams
"La cour pénale internationale en debat" extrait de la Revue Générale de droit International Public, 1999
Chapter by Andrew Clapham "The Question of Jurisdiction under International Criminal Law over Legal Persons: lessons from the Rome Conference on an ICC" from book "In Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law" M. Kaminga and S. Zia-Siarifi (eds.) 2000
European Union – Council common position on the International Criminal Court, 8 July 2002
"The Role of the Prosecutor of an International Criminal Court from a Comparative Perspective" article in a law review by Kai Ambos, 1994
Rules of procedure and evidence of the ICC
Article reprinted from the Japanese Annual of International Law, no. 42 (1999), "Establishment of the International Criminal Court: historic significance of the Rome Statute" By Hisakazu Fujita
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