204th Council session: Paris on 4 November 2008
Documents from 21 October 2008 to 13 February 2009Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues: draft agenda and its revision, list of participants, draft minutes. It also contains minutes and corrigendum of the 204bis meeting held in Paris on 19 November 2008.
Relevant subjects: preparation of the Council at Ministerial level in 2008; Draft Resolutions for the Council at Ministerial level; Subscriptions to optional programmes; Draft ESA Long-Term Plan 2009-2018.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French
Allied Materials
Draft agenda in English and translated into French on 21/10/2008.
Draft agenda revision 1 in English and translated into French on 27/10/2008.
Draft agenda revision 2 in English and translated into French on 31/10/2008.
Draft minutes in English on 09/12/2008 and translated into French on 10/12/2008.
Draft agenda 204b in English and translated into French on 13/11/2008.
Draft agenda 204b revision 1 in English and translated into French on 17/11/2008.
Minutes 204b in English on 02/02/2009 and translated into French on 20/02/2009.
Minutes 204b, corrigendum 1 in English on 13/02/2009. English only.