170th Council session: Kiruna (Sweden) on 24-25/03/2004
170th Council session: Kiruna (Sweden) on 24-25/03/2004
Documents from 03 March 2004 to 11 October 2004
Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo; Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues: draft agendas, lists of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: report by the Director General on events during the first quarter of 2004; long-term plan for the period 2004-2013; launcher programme legal matters; FLPP implementing rules; general principles of bilateral framework agreements on the use of the Ariane launcher to be concluded between ESA and European user institutions; rider 5.2 to the ESA/Arianespace Convention on the Ariane launcher production phase; implementation of agenda 2007; position paper on ESA and the defence sector; proposal for optimising the use of funds invested in the space sector through ESA; Council working group on the evolution of ESA's financial, budgetary and industrial policies: oral report; Navigation programme; Human spaceflight programme, implementation and reorientation; multilateral agreement concerning the European contribution to MIRI; interim report on the Villafranca project.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French