167th Council session: Paris on 08-09/10/2003
Documents from 19 September 2003 to 19 August 2004Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo; Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues: draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, resolution.
Relevant subjects: report by the Director General on events since the 166th meeting; evolution of the financial and budgetary management of the Agency; revision of Part II of the General Clauses and Conditions for ESA Contracts; creation of an Agency Technology and Product Transfer Board; ESA's investment in the ESI NET fund; appointment of Custodian of Charter of Values; replacement of the Swiss member and appointment of the new Chair of the Audit Commission; proposal for transition to operational phase of pilot network on project reviews; additional Resolution on the level of funding of the Esrange/Andøya special project 2001-2005; Esrange/Andøya special project, 2004 budget; implementing rules for the EGAS/Ariane programme, Future launcher preparatory programme (FLPP), and Soyuz at the CSG programme; status of the human spaceflight programme; report by the Chair of the Eurel working group; Green Paper on European space policy - Report on the consultation process; Security Regulations - the Director General's report on transitional measures; modification of Security Committee rules for procedure; joint ESA/EC action plan in support of the initiative to bridge the digital divide; report by the AFC Chairman on the Communication management report by the Audit Commission; new Italian member of the Audit Commission.
Resolution on the creation of an Agency Technology and product Transfer Board.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French