Sommet de Naples (08-10/07/1994) : réunion des 'sherpas' (17-19/06/1994)
Sommet de Naples (08-10/07/1994) : réunion des 'sherpas' (17-19/06/1994)
Documents from [1993] to [1994]
Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Dossier général (vol. 1) (12/1993-06/1994)
on Agenda and Organisation ; General ; Draft Declaration ; Trade ; Environment ; Anti Money Laundering ; Development.
NB : Compte rendu par P. Lamy de la 3e réunion des sherpas à Polo Laziale (13/05) ; Summary of the G-7 Deputies meeting in Paris [II/04220] (15/06) ; Note de B. Zepter -cabinet Delors- sur les travaux de l’OMC / WTO (03/06) ; Summary of the OECD Ministerial by cabinet Brittan (09/06) ; Note by C. Bail -Cellule de prospective- on strategic orientations for Trade and Environment [CDP(94)764] (18/03) ; Note by DGII on ‘International environmental problems and the EU economy : priorities for action’ [II/2989] (29/04) ; Briefing by J- Fortescue -Secretariat General- on money laundering [D/100] (14/06) ; Notes ‘International debt strategy and debt situation of developing countries’ [2747] (21/04), ‘Enlarged and extended Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility’ [4130] (14/06), ‘Bilateral debt reduction strategy in the Paris Club’ [4167] (14/06), ‘The CFA Franc zone after the devaluation’ [4168] (14/06) from DGII.
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English, French