Sommet de Naples (08-10/07/1994)

Document date: [1994]

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine

Content and Structure


Notes relatives à l’élaboration du programme et du communiqué sur les points Economie, Commerce et Ukraine / Russie (02-07/1994).
NB : Preparation of the agenda and final press release, notably notes from national administrations and by DGI Krenzler (04-05/1994) including minute of the informal Sherpa meeting in Paris (10/05) ; Compte rendu de la rencontre du president Delors avec le Premier ministre japonais Hata par la DGI (07/05) ; Notes from G7 SIG on the interface with Russian administration and agenda (28-30/06) ; Cypher telex from Burghardt on the Political Volet [093] (28/06).

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