Algemene documenten - Ministerie van Economische Zaken (3)

Documents from 05 October 1950 to 30 November 1950

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Projet de rapport du Comité restreinte des salaires
Minsters leden van de R.E.A. betreft : Plan Schuman
Verslag van de derde bespreking van specialisten inzake vrije migratie op 11 October 1950
Propositions du groupe des migrations (texte révisé)
Nota inzake stand van de besprekingen over het Plan Schuman per 28 October 1950
Draft interim report by the Working party on the outline of the present general situation, main provisions of the plan in its latest form, present attitude of the countries negotiating in Paris, comparison between present plan ant the UK draft proposals EPC(50)20 (cabinet office)
Memorandum: De prijsvorming voor kolen en staal gedurende de overgangs-periode van het Plan Schuman

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