ESRC meeting in Venice (26-27/04/1993)
Documents from 09 March 1993 to 13 May 1993Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains: the draft minutes of the meeting (Chairman: H.J. van der Molen) including the list of participants and the agenda.
Topics discussed include: Changes in the ESF procedures; Green Ice Core Project (GRIP), Kinetic Processes in Minerals and Ceramics; Scientific Networks; European Committee on Ocean and Polar Sciences (ECOPS); CRAF; CERC; Advisory Panel on Environmental Change (APEC); Technical Sciences; Proposals for New Scientific Programmes: Multidisciplinary Integrated Research on Adaptation (MIRA), Artificial Biosensing interfaces, Climate and Fauna, Population Biology; European Coastline Study (EUCO), Aquatic Microbiology, Tropical Biodiversity, Airborne Polar Experiment (APE); ESF re-appraisal.
Working documents enclosed for the meetings include: Framework Plan, proposals for scientific programmes, notes, reports, and correspondence.
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