ESRC meeting in Helsinki (22-23/05/1989)
Documents from [05/1989] to 11 September 1989Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains: the draft minutes of the meeting (Chairman: D.M.X Donnelly); list of participants and the summary of decisions.
Topics discussed include: report on the work of the Core Group; Framework Plan; Action Plan (Toxicology, European Palaeoclimatology, Surface Science); Subject under exploration (History of Science, Advances Computing, Insect-Plan Interactions; New Subjects (Superconductivity, new material, molecular recognition, biological membranes, climate change, modelling and large scale computing in specific fields, Polar North Atlantic Margins, late Cenozoic Evolution, Molecula Neurobiology of Mental Illness); Network Initiatives; Supporting activities.
Working documents enclosed for the meeting include: reports, ESRC Framework Plan, proposals, notes, and correspondence, contributions from the Member organisations.
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