5th Action Programme on Environment
Documents from 10 September 1990 to 10 January 1996Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File concerning the European Commission’s 5th Action Programme on the Environment, includes: Progress report from the Commission (Brussels, 10/1/1996); Résumé l’environment dans l’Union Européenne, 1995; The State of the Environment in the European Community: Overview (1992); Note for the attention of Mr. Del Bino, Mr. Henningsen, Mr. Di Carpegna, Mr. Finzi, Mr. Bennet on the implementation of the Programme (Brussels, 12/10/1992); Briefing note for the Coreper 1 (7/10/1992); Proposition de resolution du Conseil concernant un programme communautaire de politique et d’action en matière d’environnement et de développement durable et respectueux de l’environnement (Bruxelles, 1/10/1992); Communication de M. Ripa di Meana, concernant les amendements au texte du project initial (Bruxelles, 4/3/1992); Note for the file: Towards Sustainability – Follow-up Action (Brussels, 1/4/1992); Note a l’attention des membres de la commission (Bruxelles, 21/2/1992)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French