Consumer protection
Documents from [1975] to [1984]Identity Statement
Content and Structure
"Competition and Consumer Policies in the 1908’s" by G. Borrie, Report by R. Perrot on Consumer Protection, "Les voies judiciaires de protection du consommateur en droit français" by J. Maury, "Le consommateur et le cout de la justice"by Bihl, "La defense du consommateur du plan individual au plan collectif" by G. Ghidini, "Les moyens judiciaires et parajudiciaires de la protection du consommateur au Pays-Bas" by E.H. Hondius, "Procedures de protection du consommateur en droit belge" by de Caluwe , "The Danish Consumer Complaints Board (Rules of procedure) Regulations 1975" by W. Petersen, Study of the Section for protection of the Environment Public Health and Consumer Affairs on the Use of Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Means of Consumer Protection in the European Community and their Harmonization by Hilkens, "Judicial means of Consumer Protection" by C. Rapisarda, "Les consommateurs à la recherché de la justice perdue", "Avis de l’industrie sur le contrôle des denrées aliméntaires", "Spécialisation du contrôle, choix d’objectifs à assigner aux laboratoires d’analyse, automation, utilization d’instruments de grandes dimensions" by E. Hieke, Summary of Consumer Services (Report by a Working-Group within the Nordic Committee on Consumer Matters)
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English, French