Judicial review
Documents from [1969] to [1979]Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Articles, memos and scientific contributions: "Democracy and Judicial Review" by J. Hart Ely and R.E. Lang, "Law-Making in Australia: the Judicial Contribution", "E ora chi giudica il giudice?" by P.L. Gandini, "The Judiciary and the Government" by E.N. Griswold, "The Law-Creative Role of Appellate Courts in the Commonwealth" by J. Hiller, "In the Name of Justice" by S.M. Hufstedler, "High Court Techniques" and "Judicial Review or Government by the High Court" by P.H. Lane, "Le role du ministère public en Belgique dans le procès de droit privé" by J. Matthijs, "La jurisdiction international en droit grec"by G. Mitsopoulos, "La magistrature nationale et le système judiciaire supranational" by H. Mosler, "Die rechtliche Stellung, Aufgaben und Pflichten de Richter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Zivilproceß" by H. Nagel, "The Continuity of an Idea" by R.C. Puno, "Judicial Law-making in its Highest Context in the United States, England and the Republic of Ireland" by P. Noonan, "The Tasks of the Public Prosecutor in the Civil Proceedings" by W. Rechberger, "The Constitution and its Politics" by G. Sawer, "Federalism-Australian Brand" by R. Parker, "Pressure Groups in Australia" by T. Matthews, "Judicature and Government" by n. Sekulic, "Courts", by M. Shapiro
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English, French, German, Italian