Implications of Britain Joining the Common Market

Documents from 02 February 1967 to 28 February 1967

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Common Market British debate; Payments effect of the EEC agricultural policy; Labour member of Parliament’s dislike of Britain joining the Common Market; Sugar exports damaged by Britain’s entry into the Common Market; British adoption of added value tax; Common Market’s farm finance; German war debt payment to the United States; Discussion between Germany and Britain on peaceful nuclear development; Balance of payments cost due to British entry into the Common Market; Deal between Germany and France affecting Britain’s Common Market hopes; General elections in France and election race between Pierre Mendès-France and Jean Vanier; American foreign policy and Britain’s EEC membership; Relationship between Britain and Germany; Attitudes of the Common Market countries’ governments on British entry into the Common Market; Reduction of British troops in Germany ( British Army of the Rhine – BAOR).

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