European Elections

Documents from 01 March 1976 to 05 October 1978

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Copies of "European Parliament: Report","European Elections: Briefing", "Facts (published by the European Movement", internal Commission documents, memos, press releases, and papers concerning Direct European Elections to the European Assembly, includes: Booklet "Elections Directes: Un Parlement de 410 sièges", Juillet 1977; Notes for journalists concerning the 1965 agreement on the seat of the EP budget: the conditions. The 1966 Luxembourg Agreement. Elections results in the Nine, MP's pay and allowances. EC budget for 1978. Key dates: milestones in the EC's Development. Brief notes in 20 subject. Political groups in EP: June 1978; Address delivered by Dr. Jochen van Aerssen, Member of the German Budestag and MEP, "The European Union: Reality or Utopia"?"; Paper by Gordon Smith, London School of Economics: "Development in West European Party Systems"; Article by John Fitzmaurice: "Direct Elections and the Future of the European Parliament"; Speech by Christopher Tugendhat, EEC Commissioner for the Budget on the introduction of Direct Elections to the European Parliament scheduled for June 1979; Papers published by EUI by Guido van den Berge , "The Concept of a 'Uniform Procedure", "From Candidates to Members: Uniformity and the Electoral Calculations" by David Brew, "Handbook of Electoral Systems in the European Community" by Christopher H. Huber.

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