Statutory Meetings
Documents from [1975] to [1995]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
Deals with the meetings of the statutory bodies of the "Österreichische College" ("Präsidium, Vorstand and Generalversammlung") held on 17/10/1992, 29/06/1994, 29/06/1994, 06/10/1994 and 04/05/1995 including a preliminary version of the modified statutes (11/07/1994).
It contains also a small collection of documents pertaining to Alpbach collated by OM, among others "Freiheit und Disziplin" by H. Hauser (29/07/1975), "Das soziologische Dilemma oder wie obsolet ist Philosophie" by E. T. Gadol (31/05/1981), "Alpbach heute - und morgen: Gedanken zur Perpetuierung einer phänomenalen Idee" by T.M. Buchsbaum (16/11/1981), "Strukturen im Umbruch" by H. Lenk [s.d.] and "Der Ursprung des technischen Fortschritts" by F. Rapp [s.d.].
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English, German