Panel monétaire
Documents from [07/1996] to [12/1996]Identity Statement
Previti, Catherine
Content and Structure
. Meeting - 13/09
Summary [DOC. 4288/Pan]
"Relations de change de l'euro avec le dollar et le franc suisse" par R. Bertiaux (Generale International Finance) [DOC. 4277]
"Foreign-Exchange Relations with the non-EU Countries particularly those which are candidate for EU Accession" by C. Reuss [4279]
"The scenario for the changeover to the euro. Short paper for the members of the Monetary Panel" by J.-M. Dinand (IME) [DOC. 4281]
"The future relationships between 'Ins', 'Pre-Ins' and 'Outs'" [DOC. 4284]
"EMU and the citizen" by A. Conruyt
"Progress Towards Meeting the Maastricht Criteria" by A. Wigny
. Meeting - 01/11
"The Convergence Process in the EU: Progress and Prospects": intervention by G. Ravasio, director General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission
"Current issues of international monetary policy": lecture by O. Issing (Deutsche Bundesbank) in Kronberg (01/11)
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