Bruxelles, 07/12

Document date: [1990]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine

Content and Structure


Agenda: Tribute to comte Boël. Progress of European integration. Europe and the countries of Central Europe. Information. Work of the Commissions. Relations with other European bodies
Minutes [DOC. 3900]
Discours de C. Flesch, directeur général DG X, sur l'état de la CE au lendemain de la chute du Mur et la politique de communication de la Commission CE
"L'Europe et les migrations" par O. Giscard d'Estaing [DOC. 3586] (09/1990)
Document on the achievement of Economic and Monetary Union [DOC. 3901]
Resolution on Europe and migration [DOC. 3902]
Resolution on Environment and transport [DOC. 3906]

Conditions of Access and Use

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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