
Documents from [1981] to [1991]

Identity Statement

Created By
HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


Contient, entre autres:
Documents du "Ad Hoc Group on Agriculture and the Environment" (26/05/1986), "Rapport sur le séminaire 'globalisation de l'industrie informatique' tenu le 17/12/1990), reunions du conseil de l'OCDE (04-05/05/1991), "Lage in Lateinamerika und Konsequenzen für unsere Politik" "Beauftragter für Lateinamerikapolitik [?] 19/02/1991), "OECD Informal Meeting with the Dynamic Asian Economies (DAEs) on Trade Issues" (27-28/02/1991), "Task force on Countries of Latin America engaged in major Policy Reform: chairman's Summary" (09/07/1991), "Draft Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance by 'Development Assistance Committee'" (19/03/1991),
Note manuscrites prises au cours de la réunion du 'Executive Committee in Special Session' (ECSS) du 16/05/1991).

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, German

Type of Archival Materials

Electronic File, Textual

Allied Materials

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