Anglo-American Supply Co-ordination
Documents from 17 July 1940 to [06/1943]Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
File composed of material relating to the work of British machinery put in place in order to get war supplies, includes: letter to Jean Monnet from Arthur Greenwood on behalf of the PM, accepting Monnet's offer of services and asks him to go to US to work in association with the head of the Purchasing Commission, Purvis, and expresses the British Government's sense of great debt to Monnet in respect of past services, 17/07/1940. - Memos by Arthur Slater, Chairman of North American supply Committee regarding the US defense programme in terms of Navy and Army positon, and US change in policy towards the war, regarding Britains's efforts as part of their own National defence, Slater was to gain benefit from this change of policy. Information on British armaments programme, belief that US eventually give GB all the help short of war to enable her hold key positions for maintenance of sea power. - Opinions from BPC, feel that Monnet is very useful. - Memoranda of telephone conversations between Monnet and Weir and Monnet and Gorell Barnes, Secretary to BPC regarding a Balance sheet to persuade Americans to start planning production on such a scale that figures on the lines of those shown in the balance sheet would be in fact activated in 1942, need for consolidated balance sheet as statement of requirements. Letter from T.H. Brand Central Office for North American Supplies to William Brown, Ministry of Supply says that Monnet and Purvis realise the problems and dangers of translating figures in balance sheet into balanced production requirements. - Letter from Viscount Halifax, British Ambassador to US to Foreign Office regarding Lend-Lease Act and its implications from a political point of view. - Memo from Monnet to BSC that missions should work out their full requirements up to March 1942, in this way be able to maintain control of the situation and pursue a uniform course vis-a-vis the US. - Information on US Secretary of War, Stimson's request for balance sheet, importance Monnet attaches to the request so as to set out US and British production figures against estimates of German production and Churchill's pursuance of this request. Provisional draft of the British Armament Programme for Victory, in 1942, need for aircraft, ordanance, raw materials, tools, foodstuffs. - Notes on Anglo-American conference on estimates of requirements for Victory Plan and document entitled Victory Programme, information from Monnet on work of Combined Production and Resour
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The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA