Documents from [1938] to [1944]Identity Statement
n.4 files
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
After a series of discussions between France and Britain, Monnet was appointed Chairman of the Anglo-French Co-ordinating Committee (AFCC) in November 1939, now Monnet was in the position to push the US towards further aid to the Allies. This task was made difficult because of the distrust in which he was held by a number of British officials, but in fact his position in the AFCC was short-lived. With the defeat of the French and the ensuing armistice agreement between Phillipe Petain and the Germans, there was no longer any need for the AFCC. This of course put Monnet's plane orders in the US under threat, but through Monnet's negotiating skills, the contracts were transferred from France to Britain. Monnet offered his services to Churchill who assigned him to the British Purchasing Office, he arrived in Washington in August 1940, where he committed himself to boosting American support for the British war effort.
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The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA
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