Anglo-French Co-operation

Documents from 25 September 1939 to 24 July 1940

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
PRO-UK, CAB 21/746-749,1270,1271
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Immediate Source of Acquisition


Content and Structure


Material relating to negotiations for the establish of the Anglo-French Co-ordinating Committee with reference to economic and supply matters, includes: letter from S.D. Waley, War Cabinet to Sir F. Phillips, Treasury Department concerning Jean Monnet's position in charge of the French Purchasing Mission in US, feel he will cause a good deal of trouble in joint purchasing negotiations. - Note from Mr. H.L. Hopkinson, War Cabinet to Sir E. Bridges, Secretary of War Cabinet regarding Monnet's proposals for Anglo-French economic co-operation and pooling of information of their purchasing departments, establishment of strong interallied committees to deal with finance, shipping, coal, oil, raw materials and munitions. Monnet's request for balance sheet to calculate resources and needs. - British War Cabinet's opinions on Monnet's request that negotiations on pooling of economic resources be kept secret. Letter from Monnet to Bridges pressing for need to work out a common plan of action. - Record of meeting between Monnet, René Pleven, Sir Horace Wilson, Sir T. Phillips, Sir W. Brown, Board of Trade, Sir F. Leith Ross, Ministry of Economic Warfare, Bridges and Waley regarding the establishment of Anglo-French Co-ordinating Committes, where the procedures, and composition were discussed and agreement reached to instruct the Secretary to prepare a first draft of a memo defining the functions of the 4 permanent executives, ammunitions, aviation, food, maritime transport. - Record of informal meeting Nov 1939 to discuss British and French requirements in US and Canada. Letter from Wilson, Treasury Dept. to Monnet, stating his belief that better to have two missions working closely in purchasing in US, Monnet replies by promoting idea of a single Allied organisation under one leadership which would give a visible expression of Anglo-French co-operation in dealings with US Government. - Text of telegram concerning appointment of Monnet as Chairman of AFCC, British War Cabinet query his suitability, Bridges feels he is not the ideal choice, but chosen as he had confidence of Daladier and Pleven. - Draft of joint statement to be issued by the British and French PMs offering Monnet the position of Chairman. Note on Monnet's approach to Anglo-French co-ordination in economic matters, favours pooling manpower, resources and production. - Report by Gorell-Barnes, Secretary of AFCC, highlights need for French delegation to take decisions without continual reference to Pari

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

Location of Originals

The originals are held in various Archives in Europe and in the USA

Publication Notes



Notes and Remarks


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