Implementation of an European fusion programme
Documents from 01 October 1979 to 21 December 1981Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Notes on creation and early activities of Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme (CCFP)
Report on the CCFP meeting held in Brussels on 30 September 1980
Summary minutes of CCFP meetings held on 8 January 1981, 9/10 March 1981, 7 April 1981,1/2 June 1981, 26 June 1981, 15 July 1981, 15 October 1981
Short minutes of representatives of European Fusion Review Panel and officials of DOE Magnetic Fusion Directorate held in Germantown on 23 March 1981
Memorandum on JET programme 1982-1986 and on European fusion technology programme
Memoranda on European fusion programme
Report on the meeting of the INTOR sub-group of the International Fusion Research Cooperation (IFRC) held in Vienna on 29 June 1981
Proposal for a Research and Training Programme (1982-1986) for the Euratom in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion (later COM(81)357) and further comments
Report by Dr. R.S. Pease, Chairman of Programme sub-committee to the CCFP on the meeting of 11 September 1981
Scientific and Technical research and Euratom (COM(81)574)
Report of the European Fusion Review Panel
Unofficial report on the meeting of the IFRC sub-group for INTOR held in Brussels on 16/17 November 1981
Report of the Programme Committee to the CCFP on the application for preferential support for Frascati Tokamak Upgrade (FTU), phase one, July 1981
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