Service public fédéral Affaires étrangères, Commerce extérieur et Coopération au Développement Direction des archives Archives diplomatiques et archives africaines
Treaty of Brussels. 1948.
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
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European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
European Defence Comunity (E.D.C.)
Intégration politico-économique européenne
Treaty of Brussels. 1948.
Treaty of Brussels. 1948.
Treaty of Brussels. 1948.
Treaty of Brussels. 1948.
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
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E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan
E.C.S.C. /Schuman Plan

Document from [1953] to [1960]Access to a reading room belonging to the Archives Directorate; provision of microfilm files not available in document form; two microfilm readers-printers installed in the reading room.
For documents dating back more than 30 years and less than 50 years: prior approval required from the "Commission Diplomatique" (Diplomatic Committee). For documents dating back more than 50 years: access authorized by the Archives Directorate.
Council, 62nd session - 31/07/1959 -Note to the Council of Ministers about the cleansing of the Belgian coal production and market, 08/07/1959 -Annexes: -Plan of cleansing for the subventionary Belgian enterprises. -Letters of 7/7/59 relative to programmes rationalisation and re-equipment. -Memo concerning the discussion between the Belgian Government and the H.A. of 6/7/59 (Programme of the closing of Belgian coal industries - Clarifications about the aids for re-adaptation). -Special Council of Ministers of 31/07/59: Draft agenda and introductory Note of the secretariat on items III a, III b, III c, III d, III e, V, VI and VII of the agenda, 14/07/1959 -Draft agenda and introductory Note of the Secretariat on items 3 and 4 of the agenda, 15/07/1959 -Introductory Note of the Secretariat on item IV of the agenda (cleansing of coal production and market), 16/07/1959 -Complementary introductory Note of the Secretariat on item IV of the agenda, 28/07/1959 -List of the delegations of the 62nd session of the Special Council of Ministers of 31/7/59 in Strasbourg, 31/07/1959 -Summary of the decisions taken during the 62nd session of the Special Council of Ministers of 31/7/59 in Strasbourg, 10/08/1959 -Draft minutes of the 62nd session of the Special Council of Ministers of 31/7/59 in Strasbourg, 10/08/1959 Council. 63rd session- 12/10/1959 -Secretariat's introductory Note on item VII of the agenda (Corrections to be made in the text of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice), 06/10/1959 -Secretariat's introductory Note on item VI of the agenda (Prolongation of the Regulation in the matter of the exportation of used rails), 07/10/1959 -Decision about the regime of used rails at the time of the 56th session, 14/01/1959 -Draft agenda of the 63rd session of the Special Council of Ministers of 12/10/59 in Luxembourg on 12/10/59,08/10/1959 -Secretariat's introductory Note on item IV of the agenda (special temporary allowance for the workers in the coal industries of Belgium concerning partial collective unemployment due to lack of sales), 08/10/1959 -Document type of announcement of decision, 08/10/1959 -Secretariat's introductory note on item VIII of the agenda (Resolutions adopted by the European Parliamentary Assembly during the session of 09/59), 08/10/1959 -Resolutions adopted by the European Parliamentarian Assembly at the time of the session of 09/59, 28/09/1959 -Summary of the Special Council of Ministers of 12/10/59 in Luxembourg, 15/10/59 -Summary of the decisions taken during the 63rd session of the Council, on 12/10/59 in Luxembourg, 24/10/1959 -Draft minutes of the 63rd session, 27/10/1959 POLAND -Note concerning the relations with Poland in the level of coal imports, 29/09/1959 (1 doc) BELGIUM – Community’s coal policy and Belgium’s coal policy, 1959 - 1960 Mainly: -Note of the Embassy of Belgium in Bonn concerning the Italian position towards the coal crisis in Belgium and in Germany 9.05.1959 -Draft opinion established by the Commission "Marché et Prix / Market and Prices " and analytical assessment of the debates of this Commission, which was founded by the ECSC Council. -Recommendation of the High Authority (of the ECSC) of 28/01/59 to the governments of the community countries concerning the measures of commercial policy towards coal imports from third countries. -Correspondence E.C.S.C./ Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs -Position of Christian syndicates in the E.C.S.C. -Special report of the High Authority to the European Parliamentary Assembly concerning the coal question (31 January to 15 May 1959). -Italian reaction in view of the Belgian coal crisis, 28.O2.1959 -Proposal (12/02/59) before the Chamber: intending to institute a parliamentary inquiry Commission concerning the conditions of granting and of utilisation of subventions, advance payments and credits given to certain coal industries. -Press articles. -Note of the Belgian delegation taking decision not to deliver valid licences but for a 2-month maximum time for the importation of coal coming from Community countries. -Memorandum on the Belgian-American relations concerning coal imports. -Measures for the remedy of coal industry difficulties: British Memo American Memo -Correspondence Economic Affairs / Foreign Trade concerning the coal imports problem coming from countries outside the E.C.S.C. -Benelux – Great Britain, 1959- Commercial Arrangement (Notification to the High Authority) Mainly: -Correspondence ECSC/Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs. -Administration of External Trade: Report on the Benelux / United Kingdom negotiations. Aim: to renew for 1959 the Agreed Minute and the annexed contingent lists. -Specimen of the commercial arrangement Benelux / United Kingdom (April 59) Great -Britain, 1958-1959 Mainly: -Official minutes of the 10th meeting of the Steel Committee of the Association Council between the United Kingdom and the High Authority held in Luxembourg on 30/10/58. -6th Report of the Steel Committee (doc.3647158). 6th Report of the Coal Committee (doc.3707158). 7th Report of the Coal Committee to the Association Council. -7th Report of the Steel Committee to the Association Council. -5th Report of the Commercial Relations Committee to the Association Council –Official minutes of the 7th meeting of the Commercial Relations Committee held in 13/02/59 on Luxembourg. -Minutes of the 6th session of the Commercial Relations Committee of the Association Council between the United Kingdom’s Government and the High Authority. -Official minutes on the 10th reunion of the Steel Committee of the Association Council between the United Kingdom and the High Authority, held in Luxembourg in 30/10/58. -Official minutes of the 8th session of the Association Council between the United Kingdom and the E.C.S.C.High Authority (Luxembourg — 25/02/59). -Official minutes of the 8th session of the Commercial Relations Committee of the Association Council between the United Kingdom’s government and the High Authority (Luxembourg — 24/02/59). -3rd annual report of the Association Council between the United Kingdom and the High Authority (1—31/12/58). Relations with Eastern countries. Russian cast - iron, 1959 Mainly: -Correspondence of the Belgian Permanent Representation to the European Communities / Belgian Ministry of Foreign Tade relative to the problem of imports of cast – iron coming from Eastern countries into the E.C.S.C. Confidential note to the Economic and Interministerial Commission emanating from Economic Affairs concerning the commercial agreement with Russia. - E.C.S.C. -O.E.C.E. 1959 2 circular letters of information (n°180-181) relative to the preliminary meetings of 30/06/59 and 2/12/59 in view of the 65th and 66th sessions of the Iron Industry Committee of the O.E.C.E.
Photocopies: service provided by the reading room supervisor on submission of a reproduction request form completed by the person concerned and initialled for approval by the head of the service; Also available photographs/microfilms and CD-ROMs