Jean Monnet Fellowships
Documents from 01 March 1983 to 08 January 2001Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
Includes the Final provisions bringing into force the new regime on academic members of the EUI other than full or part-time teaching staff and research students from Prof. Joseph Weiler to the members of the Academic Council;
Report on Academic staff members of the Institute other than full-time teaching staff and research students (IUE 41/1/83 (CA 17) Rev. 1); Documents on the subvention from the Secretariat-General of the Commission of the European Communities (IUE 314/84 (CA 149));
Draft decision modifying decision n 1/84 of the council relating to the academic rules concerning the Jean Monnet Fellowship (IUE 60/86 (CA 12));
Report of the working group on the revision of Jean Monnet Fellowship on 07/11/1994 (IUE 367/94 (CA 252)).