Chronos du commissaire P. Lamy

Document date: [08/2002]

Identity Statement

Created By
HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2032

Content and Structure


Conversations with South Africa MRT on EU / United States Paper and STICs, USTR Zoellick, SG UNCTAD Supachai, Canadian MRT Pettigrew, DG WTO Moore, Egyptian Minister Boutros Ghali, Swedish MRT, DG WHO Brundtland, Barbados VPM, President Putin counsellor Illarionov – Reports ; Réunion Etat-major de la DG Comemrce ; Université d’été du MEDEF – 'Mondialisation heureuse, Mondialisation de tous les dangers?' et note de la Représentation en France ; Réunion de la Commission – Compte rendu du cabinet.

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English, French

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