Chrono DG - WTO

Document date: [07/2006]

Identity Statement

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2036

Content and Structure


- Rencontres du Cercle des Economistes à Aix-en-Provence, 09/07 – e.g. note on Trade and Scarce Resources et compte rendu par la Représentation régionale [D201856] (19/07).
- Japan, 05-06/07 : Meetings with Japanese PM, Finance and Agriculture Ministers, METI, Japanese Business Federation ; Speech at Gakuin University ; Meeting with JETRO on East Asian integration, 05/07.
- Meetings (03/07) e.g. with Chief Economist in WB.

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English, French

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