Documents from [1981] to [2002]Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Articles, Commission reports and communications to the Council, essays, statistics and numbers and book excerpts, includes: "The Relations between the EC and Latin America - The Community's Point of View" by Gerd Beinhardt; "Europe and the Economic Crisis of Latin America"; Tenth report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Implementation of Financial and Technical Assistance to Latin American and Asian (LAA) Developing Countries; "Evolución histórica de las relaciones comerciales entre América Latina y la CEE" ; "The EC and Latin America, A Case Study in Global Role Expansion" by A. Glenn Mower; OECD report "Development and Democracy - Aid Policies in Latin America"; "Europe and Iberoamerica" by Eduardo Cuenca Garcia
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, Spanish