Meeting in Paris on 25-26/04/1996
Documents from 12 May 1995 to 24 June 1996Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains: the draft minutes of the meeting (Chairman Guido Martinotti), list of participants, agenda, brief for the chairman, CV, as well as the 1996 membership List.
Working documents enclosed for the meeting include: the draft European Science Foundation summary White Paper on Beyond Framework IV; report of the SCSS task force on the future development of social science research in the EU Fifth Framework Programme; "GIS and Health Research in Europe: a position paper" by Anthony C. Gatrell and Markku Loytonen; "Mass media and the European dimension" by Gerard Darmon and Ib Bondebjerg, report on a feasibility study for a European social survey; exploratory grant scheme; workshops reports; proposal for a project on University research by the Directorate of Education, Culture and Sport of the Council of Europe [DECS-HE 96/18].
Topics discussed include: summary of decisions of the Standing Committee for Social Sciences Core Group meeting; input to the EU Fifth Framework Programme; strategic scientific programme development: Tackling Environmental Resource Management (TERM), workshop on transformation to democracy in Central/Eastern Europe; interdisciplinary research collaboration with ESF Standing Committees (Initiative on Environment and Health, Joint initiative on Health and Health Care, Standing Committee for Humanities on Mass Media Research); infrastructure issues: social science databases; exploratory grant scheme; reports on current Scientific Programmes (EMOT, GISDATA, EMOT and LHM); research collaboration with the US National Science Foundation; cooperation with intergovernmental agencies; brochure ESF.
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