Off-prints of Cappelletti works in English
Documents from [1973] to [1987]Identity Statement
Content and Structure
"Is the European Court of Justice Running Wild?", "Fundamental Guarantees of the Parties in Civil Proceedings", "Judicial Review of Legislation: European Antecedents and Adaptations" (with J.C. Adams), "Foreword to the Access to Justice Project Series", "The Doctrine of State Decisis and the Civil Law: A Fundamental Difference or no Difference at All?", "Access to Justice and the Welfare State", "Foreword to the Access to Justice as a Focus for Research" (with B. Garth), "The Law-Making Power of the Judge and Its Limits: A Comparative Analysis", "The Mighty Problem of Judicial review and the Contribution of Comparative Analysis", "Repudiating Montesquieu? The Expansion and Legitimacy of Constitutional Justice", "Some Thoughts on Judicial Law-Making", "Access to Justice: Variations and Continuity of a World-Wide Movement", "The Process of Integration of Law in Europe", "Integration Through Law: Europe and the American Federal Experience. A General Introduction"
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