Photocopies of Cappelletti’s works
Documents from [1970] to [1985]Identity Statement
Content and Structure
"Access to Justice. Comparative General Report" (1976), "Social and Political Aspects of Civil Procedure – Reforms and trends in Western and Eastern Europe" (1971), "Fundamental Guarantees of the Parties in Civil Litigation: comparative Constitutional, International and Social Trends" (1973), "Finding an Appropriate Compromise: A Comparative Study of Individualistic Models and Group Rights in Civil Procedure" (with B. Garth, 1983), "Oral and written procedure" (1970), "The Judicial Branch in the Federal and Transnational Union: Its Impact on Integration" (with D. Golay, 1985), "Access to Justice: the World-Wide Movement to make Rights Effective: A General Report" (with B. Garth, 1978), "Access to Justice: Variations and Continuity of a World-Wide Movement" (with B. Garth and N. Trocker, 1982), "Access to Justice and the Welfare State: An Introduction" (with B. Garth, 1981), "Legal Aid: Modern Themes and Variations" (with J. Gordley, 1972), "Governmental and Private Advocates for the Public Interest in Civil Litigation: A Comparative Study" (1979), "Vindicating the Public Interest through the Courts: A Comparativist’s Contribution" (1979)
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