"Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions: Historical Developments and Current Problems" held from 20-21/05/2011 in Amsterdam

Document date: [2011]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


Conference folder:

Programme, opening address and papers presented at conference:
Mihaela Livia Ghita: "Financial Connections and Firm Risk".
Abhik Rhay: "Governance in Anglo Indian Banking in a Colonial Economy".
Rolf H. Carlsson: "Corporate Governance – A Frame of Reference".
Hubert Bonin: "Fixing the Organisation of a Banking Firm".
Carles Maixé-Altés: "The Persistence of Stakeholder Governance in Spanish Savings Banks".
Fabio Braggion: "A Century of Firm-Bank Relationships".
Carlo Brambilla and Giuseppe Conti: "Ownership Structure and Control, Regulation and Performance in Italian Banking".
Catherine Schenk: "Governance of Governors: The 1974 International Banking Crisis and the Early Deliberations of the Basel Committee".
Bernado Bátiz-Lazo and Masayoshi Noguchi: "improving the System of Internal Control through Regulation".
Ahok Kapoor: "Reserve Banks of India Archives".
Chantal Vancoppenolle: "Archives Management and Corporate Governance".
Jakub Kunert: "Records Management and Archives as a Tool of Corporate Governance".

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