IUE 103/90 - IUE 110/90
Documents from [04/1990] to [05/1990]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the following official documents:
- IUE 103/90 (Col. 18): EUI Colloquium Papers "Le football et l'Europe". "L'économie du football en France" by Jean Francois Nys.
- IUE 104/90 (Col. 19): EUI Colloquium Papers "Le football et l'Europe". "Free movement of football players in the EEC" by Freddy Rumo.
- IUE 105/90 (CA 73): Conseil académique plénier. Compte rendu de la 176ème réunion du 4 avril 1990.
- IUE 106/90 (CA 74) R: Conseil académique restreint. Compte rendu de la 176ème réunion du 4 avril 1990.
- IUE 107/90 (OJ/CR 1): Research Council Meeting. Draft Agenda of the 27-28 April meeting.
- IUE 108/90 (CR 2): Research Council Meeting. Project reports for the 27-28 April meeting (Department of Economics).
- IUE 109/90 (CR 3): Research Council Meeting. Project reports for the 27-28 April meeting (Department of History and Civilization).
- IUE 110/90 (CR 4): Research Council Meeting. Project reports for the 27-28 April meeting (Department of Law).
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French