IUE 87/89 - IUE 104/89

Documents from [03/1989] to [04/1989]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg


Document Open Since
1 Jan 2020

Content and Structure


The file contains the following official documents:

- IUE 87/89 (CA 69) R: Nomination of Research Assistant.
- IUE 88/89 (CA 70) R: Proposition of Joseph Nappa as Research Associate.
- IUE 89/89 (CA 71) R: Proposition of Martina Lehnart as Research Associate.
- IUE 90/89 (OJ/CA 72): Conseil académique plénier. Ordre du jour de la 166ème réunion du 19 avril 1989.
- IUE 91/89 (CA 73): Conseil académique plénier. Compte rendu de la 165ème réunion du 8 mars 1989.
- IUE 92/89 (CA 74): Document regarding copyrights on software developed with funds from the Research Council.
- IUE 93/89 (CA 75): Projet de décision du Conseil Académique relative aux conditions de délivrance du Doctorat de l'Institut et du certificat d'assiduité.
- IUE 94/89 (CA 76): List of potential members of the selection committee for a post in European History (19th/20th centuries).
- IUE 95/89 (CA 77): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Valeria Camporesi.
- IUE 96/89 (CA 78): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Peter Fischer.
- IUE 97/89 (CA 79): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Roger Hutton.
- IUE 98/89 (CA 80): Setting up of a dissertation committee for Hans-Friedrich Von Rohland.
- IUE 99/89 (CA 81) R: Proposition of prof. Martine Le Friant as Visiting Fellow and proposition of Bénédicte Zimmermann as Research Associate.
- IUE 100/89 (CA 82): Note from Emile Noël to Academic Council Members.
- IUE 101/89 (CA 83) R: List of potential members of the review committee for the renewal of one contract.
- IUE 102/89 (CA 84): Conseil académique plénier. Compte rendu de la 166ème réunion du 19 avril 1989.
- IUE 103/89 (CA 85) R: Conseil académique restreint. Compte rendu de la 166ème réunion du 19 avril 1989.
- IUE 104/89 (CA 86): Conseil académique plénier. Relevé analytique des travaux de la session spéciale du 26 avril 1989.

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English, French, German, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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