831st Commission Meeting - COM(86) PV 831
Document date: 10 June 1986Identity Statement
Content and Structure
Draft agenda of 831st Commission meeting: Travaux du PE, travaux du Comité des Représentants permanents, contrôle de l’applicaton du droit communautaire, procédures écrites et habilitiations, questions administratives et budgétaires diverses, Chernobyl, aviation civile, programme a moyen terme d’infrastructure des transports, application de l’article 67 CEE, marché intérieur, relations de la Communauté avec les pays tiers. Note to Mr. Sutherland on meeting of the Enlarged Bureau of June 10th 1986. Report on weekly GAP meeting. Information note on the June session of the EP. Notes for the Commissioner on state aids : France - regional aids, Germany – aid to shipbuilding industry, UK – regional aid to Cornwall, compensation for British shipbuilders, Spain – WV – SEAT. Notes on Commission’s building policy and Tchernobyl, liberalisation of capital movements. Memo on COMMETT and ERASMUS.
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